PTS Update – PTS Hell yeah, it's rocket science! Thu, 27 Jul 2023 12:52:16 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 More cargo, less carbon! Wed, 26 Oct 2022 17:41:08 +0000 Berlin, the 26.10.2022


The future of logistics on the road today


Rooted in Rostock and Berlin, the space company PTS and Logistics experts of Zeitfracht charge ahead in rolling out the patent pending CLAM MK2 system to more freight containers each day.


Optimizing each route travelled, reducing carbon emission and increasing freight capacity

CLAM MK2 as part of the wall panel of an industry standard shipping container


Using a patend pending laser measurement system CLAM is assessing the the exact cargo load in real-time, allowing operators and intelligent algorithms to optimize routes as they are travelling. In addition the high-tech IoT solution offers precise GPS position, temperatur, humidity, shock and theft monitoring.


Easy installation as part of the normal container maintenance


CLAM MK2 is easily installed and maintained by the normal handling of shipping containers. The unit is completely integrated inside the exchange wall elements of a container. This ensure full protection against the rough and challenging environment of international logistics and as well provides solid reception and the posibility for the use of solar panels.


Real-time monitoring of cargo usage


Thanks to real-time monitoring of shipping loads, operators and machine learning  optimises the loading of single containers or complete routes. On average this provides a 30% increase in cargo capacity over a fleet of 1.000 containers, equalling 300 more shipping containers without buying a single new container.

Stay up to date regarding the development of CLAM and our Product offer at



About Planetary Transportation Systems

As a close partner of the Zeitfracht Group, PTS offers cost-effective and reliable space technology. The company aims to develop in-space infrastructure and conduct its own space exploration missions. With its engineering team, PTS offers contract and development services in the space sector. Its customers include commercial clients as well as space agencies.


About the Zeitfracht Group

The Zeitfracht Group is a third-generation family business with more than 3,700 employees and headquarters in Berlin and Leipzig. The company is primarily active in logistics.


PTS wins major contract within the further development of Ariane 6 Tue, 21 Dec 2021 10:46:08 +0000 Berlin, the 21.12.2021


PTS wins major contract within the further development of Ariane 6


Berlin-based aerospace company PTS has been awarded a large and prestigious development contract by ArianeGroup to supply one of the core elements of the further development of the Ariane space program:

PTS is developing the electronics and operating system for the ASTRIS Kick Stage


ArianeGroup ASTRIS Kick Stage

ArianeGroup ASTRIS Kick Stage


This additional upper stage complements the new European Ariane 6 launcher. The ASTRIS Kick Stage will further increase the versatility of Ariane 6 by providing higher payload capacities and enhanced performance for certain missions. Enabling new mission profiles, including the launch of satellite swarms, missions to the Moon or deep space, as it will make for reduction in spacecraft complexity and the risks inherent in orbit injection. This again strengthens Ariane 6’s chances on the market.


Latest stackable small-form factor On-board computer developed by PTS for the ALINA lunar lander


André Radloff, Chief Executive Officer of PTS: “This challenging contract gives us the opportunity to demonstrate the reliability and innovative power of PTS as an experienced partner in spaceflight to advance our vision of exploring neighboring celestial bodies and planets in the long term”.


Robert Boehme, the founder of PTS adds “For us it is a great honor and opportunity that the space agency ESA and ArianeGroup as a long-term partner both entrust us with this important core element of the ASTRIS Kick Stage”.


The ASTRIS Kick Stage on-top of the Ariane 6 rocket


As ESA’s prime contractor, ArianeGroup is developing the Ariane 6 rocket and the ASTRIS Kick Stage. The development of both the Ariane 6 upper stage and the Kick Stage are being led by ArianeGroup Bremen. In July this year, ArianeGroup was awarded a €90 million contract by ESA for the ASTRIS Kick Stage program with the aim of further increasing the versatility of Ariane 6 and its performance in new types of missions. PTS is the largest subcontractor within the ASTRIS Kick Stage program and oversees the operating system and all electronics.


The ASTRIS Kick Stage in-orbit with a spacecraft such as the ESA HERA mission attached


The development contract also includes the budget for the realization of the first mission of the Kick Stage: With the so-called HERA mission, ESA will send a probe on its way to an asteroid with the help of the ASTRIS Kick Stage. Together with NASA, the aim is to explore methods of deflecting dangerous asteroids away from Earth in the future.


About Planetary Transportation Systems

As a close partner of the Zeitfracht Group, PTS offers cost-effective and reliable space technology. The company aims to develop in-space infrastructure and conduct its own space exploration missions. With its engineering team, PTS offers contract and development services in the space sector. Its customers include commercial clients as well as space agencies.


About ArianeGroup

ArianeGroup, as prime contractor for the European launcher families Ariane 5 and Ariane 6, is responsible for the entire production chain of the launchers – from design through the entire production chain to marketing via its subsidiary Arianespace. With approximately 7.500 highly skilled employees in France and Germany, ArianeGroup is a joint venture owned equally by Airbus and Safran. The Group is also the prime contractor for the French Navy’s ballistic launchers. ArianeGroup and its subsidiaries are globally recognized specialists in space equipment and propulsion systems, and their know-how is also applied in other industries. Group sales amounted to around €2.7 billion in 2020.


About the Zeitfracht Group

The Zeitfracht Group is a third-generation family business with more than 3,700 employees and headquarters in Berlin and Leipzig. The company is primarily active in logistics.

Mit der Maus zum Mond! Thu, 25 Jul 2019 15:18:24 +0000

Die Mäuse sind los!

Vor einigen Tagen wurde der 50. Jahrestag der ersten astronautischen Mondlandung weltweit groß gefeiert. Das Thema wurde von vielen großen Medien aufgegriffen: Auch von der Sendung mit der Maus. Wir waren in der Mond-Folge dabei!


Seit Anfang der 70er-Jahre gehört die Sendung mit der Maus zum festen Sonntagsprogramm vieler Kinder und ist eine der bekanntesten generationsübergreifenden Sendungen im deutschen Fernsehen. In einen Mix aus Sach- und Lachgeschichten sowie Animationen werden alltägliche, aber auch wissenschaftliche Themen kindergerecht dargestellt.


Unser Team mit der Maus

Unsere großen Mausfans haben sich sehr über die spannenden Dreharbeiten gefreut und konnten sich so einen kleinen Kinderwunsch, einmal bei der Maus mitzuwirken, erfüllen. Die vier spannenden aber auch intensiven Drehstunden verbrachte das WDR-Team in unseren Hallen. Wir haben dem Team und den Kindern zu

hause unsere Mond Mission erklärt und die kleinen Weltraumexperimente vorgestellt, die wir am Maus-Türöffner-Tag am 3. Oktober durchführen wollen.


Wer die Folge verpasst hat oder sie sich gerne noch einmal angucken möchte – gute Nachrichten! Das Video gibt es online in der ARD Mediathek.



Siham und Margaryta basteln das Maus-Space-Shuttle

Viele Zuschauer und Fans der Show kennen den Türöffner-Tag, den die Maus jährlich am 3. Oktober organisiert. Wir werden an diesem Tag zwei Gruppen von kleinen Astronauten und Wissenschaftlern von 6 bis 15 Jahren in unseren Hallen begrüßen. Vom fahrenden Rover bis zum Fallkapselexperiment ist alles dabei. Gleichzeitig werden die Kinder die Möglichkeit haben viel zu basteln, zu lernen und Spaß zu haben – und die selbst gebastelten Space Shuttles, Landemodule und Rover natürlich mit nachhause zu nehmen.


Wir freuen uns, dass die Nachfrage so hoch war und sich die Liste schnell gefüllt hat. Obwohl wir gerne jedes Kind, dass Interesse hat einladen wollen, sind die Plätze begrenzt. Deshalb ist die Anmeldung leider schon geschlossen und wir bedauern, keinen weiteren Kindern mehr eine Zusage machen zu können. Nichtsdestotrotz haben wir eine Warteliste eröffnet in der sich jedes interessierte Kind eintragen kann. Dafür einfach eine E-Mail an schreiben!


An dieser Stelle möchten wir uns gerne noch herzlich beim Maus-Team bedanken und freuen uns schon sehr auf den Türöffner-Tag!

Viva Las re:Mars Thu, 27 Jun 2019 15:45:59 +0000 From Tuesday the 4th until Friday the 7th of June, Amazon hosted the re:Mars conference, their new AI event in the Aria Resort, Las Vegas.



“Mars” which this time does not stand for the well-known red planet but for Machine Learning, Automation, Robotics and Space. And with space and robotics in mind, PTScientists were invited by our friends at Amazon Web Services to take part as well.

At our booth in the showcase room, we demonstrated how the use of the Amazon Web Services Greengrass technology can help with overcoming the dangerous and challenging situations for mission operators caused by the signal latency between the Earth and the Moon.



With a signal travel delay of about 3 to 6 secs, various problems can occur while controlling a rover from the ground. As for example driving up a hill that all suddenly turns out to be too steep for our four-wheeled pioneers and remote-workers. At such times when the team on the ground will at first only see a lower tilt angle since it’s receiving the telemetry with a delay. Our landing module ALINA, connected to the rovers via our cellular link, gets all this data in real-time. Equipped with Amazon Web Services Greengrass, ALINA analyses the data and can take immediate action, on the ground before an operator here on earth notices that something went wrong. This sudden stop-command is meant to keep the rovers from any impairment. With this small demonstration, we showcased the strong advantage of handling data processing and control in space and on the Moon. Eliminating the delay in between action and reaction of ground-based operators is the first step towards full autonomous Earth-independent operations in Space.



„Amazon Web Services is already the leading infrastructure provider for our connected world today and we are very excited to push their tools and technologies to new markets and limits. This is what private space truly is about, enabling new, cost-efficient solutions for space based on the reliable infrastructure fuelling today’s industry.” – Robert Boehme, CEO & Founder PTScientists


Besides demonstrating our showcase and talking to space experts and avid space fans from different sectors, we also had the time to attend the interesting sessions and keynotes during the event. With a variety of speakers which reached from Robert Downey Jr. to Jeff Bezos, the talks were very inspiring. We really enjoyed the event, the space sessions and would like to send out a thank you to our new found friends at Amazon Web Services for their great support!



With many greetings from Berlin, the PTScientists.

Space Café No.1 – Success! Tue, 21 May 2019 09:35:43 +0000 Last Tuesday we premiered our very first Space Café Berlin. Roughly 200 space enthusiastic attendees were there to start this series of events with us.


After welcoming the guests, our SpaceWatch.Global moderator Torsten Kriening started the short talks about the upcoming Moon and other space-related projects. After his introductory word, Torsten raised the question, what Europe is doing for its own space exosystem and market – and if there will be a predominant European presence on the Moon in the next decade opposed to just taking part in otherwise international programs.

The speakers: Andreas Hoerkens from ArianeGroup, Prof. Ralf Jaumann from DLR, and Mari Eldholm from PTScientists gave insight into possible future scenarios on space exploration and explained the needed actions for that.


Prof. Jaumann opened the event as our first speaker, starting with the topic “Exploring the Moon”. Subtopics included planetary processes documented on the Moon, volcanic evolution, internal structure, and environmental conditions.

He was followed by Andreas Hoerkens, who mainly focused on shaping the future access to space by explaining the various sectors that could benefit from space exploration. Mentioned were environmental protection monitoring climate change, traffic and navigation as well as regional development and more – with the aim to show that space is part of our modern critical infrastructure as well as an economic asset.

Lastly, Mari Eldholm, who is responsible for the governmental affairs at PTScientists, gave insight on what can and what cannot be done on the Moon. Mari mainly referred to UN treaties and national space law in her talk.


Quickly catching the attention of the audience, the event went to the second phase of an open Q&A. Many people asked interesting questions, revolving around space resources and the value of space technology spin-offs which were answered and further discussed by our speakers.


The panel ended after 2 hours of exciting exchanges of ideas and knowledge and was followed by some time to network and connect within the community as well as with the speakers.

The Volkswagen Digital:Lab, which was the venue, helped us creating this unbend atmosphere by providing us not only with the room but also with many drinks and snacks throughout the whole event.


Andreas Hoerkens from ArianeGroup (left), Prof. Ralf Jaumann from DLR (middle), and Mari Eldholm from PTScientists (right) during the Q&A.


At this point, we want to thank our speakers for taking part in our Space Café and everybody who came and made this event a success.


Details on the 2nd edition of Space Café will follow…



Berlin-based New Space company PTScientists and European space company ArianeGroup agree on far-reaching cooperation for lunar missions Wed, 08 May 2019 17:18:40 +0000


Berlin, 8 May 2019 – PTScientists and ArianeGroup have today agreed in Berlin on a far-reaching cooperation. The contract governs the cooperation between the two companies for future Moon missions such as the planned ISRU mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) and beyond.


The signing took place at the Zeiss-Grossplanetarium in Berlin in the presence of Thomas Jarzombek, Coordinator of the Federal Government for Aerospace and ESA Director for Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration, David Parker.


Against the background of intensifying international competition in the field of lunar missions, the agreement underlines the will and ambition of PTScientists to position itself as a globally leading European provider of lunar surface transport services for private and institutional customers, with the support of ArianeGroup as the European space transport provider towards the lunar orbit.


“We are very honoured by the trust ArianeGroup has placed in us,” said Robert Boehme, CEO and founder of PTScientists. “For PTScientists, this is an important milestone in the development of our young company. Together, we will create a 100% European offering to provide cost-effective access to the Moon.” added Boehme.


PTScientists will provide the autonomous landing and navigation module ALINA, a spacecraft with a payload capacity of up to 300kg, while ArianeGroup will contribute its new high-performance launch vehicle Ariane 64 and its many years of expertise in the field of propulsion systems.

Member of the German Parliament (Coordinator of the Federal Government for Aerospace) Thomas Jarzombek (left), ESA Director for Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration David Parker, PTScientists CEO Robert Boehme and ArianeGroup CFO Pierre Godart (right) next to the ALINA lander and Ariane 6 launch vehicle.

“The Moon is a key goal for ArianeGroup and with Ariane 64 Europe has the means to get there. The European launcher has all the capabilities necessary for Moon missions and can offer space transport services to lunar orbit,” said ArianeGroup CEO André Hubert Roussel. “This first contract with a European start-up is an excellent example of win–win cooperation. It demonstrates European industry’s ability to reinvent itself and create a real space team for Europe through agile, disruptive partnerships. This is a perfect alliance between a long-standing European player in the global space sector and a representative of what New Space does best. This joint project is ambitious and holds great promise for the entire space community. With this partnership of specialist skills, the offer for transporting equipment to the Moon’s surface is now complete.”


“It is ESA’s role to challenge and promote innovation in the European space industry. I, therefore, welcome the cooperation agreed today between PTScientists and ArianeGroup with the aim of providing transportation services to the Moon.  Customers worldwide could benefit, including ESA for its proposed space resources mission, part of our proposal for the Space19+ Conference later this year”. said David Parker, ESA Director of Human and Robotic Exploration


In January 2019, ArianeGroup and PTScientists announced that they were working on a study for the planned In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) mission. In space, ISRU is the practice of collecting, processing, storing and using materials found or produced on other celestial bodies, such as the Moon, to replace materials that would otherwise be brought from Earth.


The ISRU mission focuses on the use of lunar regolith. The ability to extract water and oxygen from regolith is a prerequisite for a sustainable human presence on the Moon. It could also be the basis for the fuel needed for future missions to deeper parts of the solar system.



Media contact

Andreas Schepers


Head of Communications

T: +49 30 916 048 06



About PTScientists

PTScientists is a Berlin-based New Space company. The lunar module ALINA and the lunar rover Audi lunar quattro, developed by PTScientists, are set to launch to the Moon for the first time in 2021. For this first mission, the “Mission to the Moon”, PTScientists is cooperating with a number of industrial partners such as Audi and Vodafone as well as space organisations such as the German Aerospace Center DLR and the European Space Agency ESA. PTScientists currently employs more than 70 people in Berlin, Salzburg (AT) and Houston (USA).



Digital Press Kit





Berliner New-Space-Unternehmen PTScientists und europäischer Raumfahrtkonzern ArianeGroup vereinbaren weitreichende Zusammenarbeit für Mond-Missionen


Berlin, 8.5.2019 – PTScientists und ArianeGroup haben heute in Berlin eine weitreichende Zusammenarbeit vereinbart. Der Vertrag regelt die Kooperation beider Unternehmen für zukünftige Mond-Missionen wie der geplanten ISRU-Mission der Europäischen Raumfahrtorganisation ESA und darüber hinaus.


Diese Unterzeichnung erfolgte im Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin in Anwesenheit von Thomas Jarzombek, Koordinator der Bundesregierung für Luft- und Raumfahrt und dem ESA-Direktor für astronautische Raumfahrt und robotische Exploration, David Parker.


Vor dem Hintergrund eines sich verschärfenden internationalen Wettbewerbs im Bereich von Mond-Missionen unterstreicht die Vereinbarung den Willen und die Ambition von PTScientists, sich mit Unterstützung der ArianeGroup als europäischer Transportanbieter in den Mond-Orbit, als führender Anbieter von Transportdiensten zur Mondoberfläche für private und institutionelle Kunden zu positionieren.


„Wir fühlen uns sehr geehrt durch das Vertrauen, das ArianeGroup in uns setzt“, erklärte Robert Böhme, Geschäftsführer und Gründer von PTScientists. „Für PTScientists ist dies ein bedeutender Meilenstein in der Entwicklung unseres noch jungen Unternehmens. Gemeinsam werden wir ein zu 100% europäisches Angebot schaffen, um einen kostengünstigen Zugang zum Mond anzubieten.“ ergänzte Böhme.


PTScientists stellt mit dem autonomen Lande- und Navigationsmodul ALINA eine Mondlandefähre mit einer Nutzlastkapazität von bis zu 300kg zur Verfügung, während ArianeGroup ihre neue, leistungsfähige Trägerrakete Ariane 64 und ihre langjährige Expertise im Bereich von Antriebssystemen in die Kooperation einbringen.


MdB (Koordinator der Bundesregierung für Luft- und Raumfahrt) Thomas Jarzombek (links), ESA-Direktor für bemannte Raumfahrt und robotische Exploration David Parker, PTScientists CEO Robert Boehme und ArianeGroup CFO Pierre Godart (rechts) neben dem ALINA-Landemodul und Ariane 6 Trägerrakete.


Der Mond ist für die ArianeGroup ein wichtiges Thema, und die Ariane 64 ermöglicht Europa Flüge dorthin. Sie besitzt alle für Versorgungsflüge erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und kann für Transportdienste in den Orbit eingesetzt werden“, erklärte André Hubert Roussel, CEO der ArianeGroup. „Dieser erste Vertrag mit einem europäischen Start-up ist ein hervorragendes Beispiel für eine Kooperation, von der alle profitieren, und ein weiterer Beleg dafür, dass die europäische Industrie in der Lage ist, sich über agile, disruptive Allianzen neu zu erfinden – als europäisches Raumfahrtteam im besten Sinne. Ein traditioneller europäischer Akteur der internationalen Raumfahrt und ein Vertreter des Besten, was New Space zu bieten hat, finden hier auf ideale Weise zusammen. Dieses ambitionierte Gemeinschaftsprojekt ist wegweisend für die gesamte Raumfahrt. Mit dem neuen Bündnis komplettieren wir das Angebot für den Transport von Ausrüstung zur Mondoberfläche.“ so Roussel weiter.


 „Es ist die Aufgabe der ESA, die Innovation in der europäischen Raumfahrtindustrie zu fordern und zu fördern. Ich begrüße daher die heute zwischen PTScientists und ArianeGroup vereinbarte Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ziel, Transportdienste für den Mond anzubieten.  Kunden auf der ganzen Welt könnten davon profitieren, einschließlich der ESA für ihre geplante Weltraumressourcen-Mission, die Teil unseres Vorschlags für die Space19+-Konferenz im Laufe dieses Jahres ist“, erklärte David Parker, ESA-Direktor für bemannte Raumfahrt und robotische Exploration.


Im Januar 2019 gaben ArianeGroup und PTScientists bekannt, an einer Studie für die geplante In-Situ-Resource-Utilisation (ISRU) – Mission zu arbeiten. In der Raumfahrt ist ISRU der Begriff für das Sammeln, Verarbeiten, Lagern und Verwenden von Materialien, die auf anderen Himmelskörpern, wie zum Beispiel dem Mond, gefunden oder produziert wurden. Sie sollen Materialien ersetzen, die sonst von der Erde gebracht würden.


Die ISRU-Mission konzentriert sich auf die Verwendung von Mondregolith. Die Fähigkeit, Wasser und Sauerstoff aus Regolith zu gewinnen, ist eine Voraussetzung für eine nachhaltige Präsenz des Menschen auf dem Mond. Darüber hinaus könnte auf diese Weise der notwendige Treibstoff für zukünftige Missionen in tiefere Teile des Sonnensystems produziert werden.


Um gemeinsam Transportdienste zum Mond anbieten zu können, wie sie zum Beispiel für die ISRU-Mission der ESA benötigt werden, ist die Kooperation zwischen PTScientists und ArianeGroup vereinbart worden.




Andreas Schepers
Head of Communications
T: +49 30 916 048 06



Über PTScientists

PTScientists ist ein Berliner New Space-Unternehmen. Die von PTScientists entwickelte Mondlandefähre ALINA und Mond-Rover, die Audi lunar quattro, sollen erstmals 2021 zum Mond starten. Für diese erste Mission, die “Mission to the Moon”, kooperiert PTScientists mit einer Reihe von Industrie-Partnern wie Audi und Vodafone sowie Raumfahrtorganisationen wie dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR und der Europäischen Raumfahrtorganisation ESA. PTScientists beschäftigt derzeit mehr als 70 Mitarbeiter an den Standorten Berlin, Salzburg (AT) und Houston (USA).


Digitales Press Kit



Live – PTScientists and Ariane Group Wed, 08 May 2019 08:44:47 +0000 PTScientists and ArianeGroup sign Memorandum of Understanding for future Moon missions.

Got questions? Write us via Twitter using the hashtag #PTSAG




16:00 Welcome

Robert Boehme, PTScientists

Pierre Godart, ArianeGroup Germany


16:10 Statements

Thomas Jarzombek, MdB


16:20 Signing of Memorandum of Understanding


16:25 Sparking a lunar economy

Mari Eldholm, PTScientists


16:30   ESA’s perspective on commercial partnerships and ISRU

David Parker, ESA


16:35 Expert Panel on ISRU and future Lunar missions

Joost Van Tooren, ArianeGroup

Jürgen Brandner, PTScientists


16:45 Q&A


17:00 End


PTScientists and ArianeGroup – joint media event in Berlin Wed, 01 May 2019 15:31:54 +0000

PTScientists and ArianeGroup invite media representatives to a joint press conference at the Zeiss-Großplanetarium in Berlin on 8.5.2019 at 16:00 hrs.


Robert Boehme, PTScientists CEO and Pierre Godart, ArianeGroup CFO, will sign the memorandum of understanding between the two companies in the presence of Thomas Jarzombek, Member of the German Parliament (Coordinator of the Federal Government for Aerospace), Klaus-Peter Willsch, Member of the German Parliament (Chairman of the Aerospace Parliament Group) and David Parker, ESA Director for Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration.


The memorandum of understanding will govern the cooperation between the two companies for future European lunar missions such as ESA’s planned ISRU mission and beyond.


Preliminary agenda


16:00 Welcome

Robert Boehme, PTScientists

Pierre Godart, ArianeGroup Germany


16:10 Statements

Thomas Jarzombek, MdB


16:20 Signing of Memorandum of Understanding


16:25 Sparking a lunar economy

Mari Eldholm, PTScientists


16:30   ESA’s perspective on commercial partnerships and ISRU

David Parker, ESA


16:35 Expert Panel on ISRU and future Lunar missions

Joost Van Tooren, ArianeGroup

Jürgen Brandner, PTScientists


16:45 Q&A


17:00 End


Afterwards, there will be an opportunity for individual interviews.

The greetings will be held in German. Short presentations and expert panels will be held in English.



Press conference ArianeGroup & PTScientists


Wednesday, 8.5.2019, 16:00 h (admission from 15:30 h)


Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin

Prenzlauer Allee 80

10405 Berlin


Google Maps:


Please accredit yourself by Tuesday, 7.5. here:

Please remember to bring a valid photo ID with you.


We will broadcast the press conference live on the Internet at

We will collect your questions online via Twitter using the hashtag #PTSAG



PTScientists press contact:

Andreas Schepers


Head of Communications

T: +49 30 916 048 06



About PTScientists:

PTScientists is a Berlin-based new space company. The lunar module ALINA and two lunar rovers, the Audi Lunar quattro, developed by PTScientists are set to launch to the Moon for in 2020. For this first mission, the “Mission to the Moon”, PTScientists is cooperating with a number of industrial partners such as Audi and Vodafone as well as space organisations such as the German Aerospace Center DLR and the European Space Agency ESA. PTScientists currently employs more than 70 people in Berlin, Salzburg (AT) and Houston (USA).




PTScientists und ArianeGroup unterzeichnen Vereinbarung über Zusammenarbeit für zukünftige Mond-Missionen – gemeinsame Pressekonferenz in Berlin, 8.5.2019


PTScientists und ArianeGroup laden Medienvertreter am 8.5.2019 um 16:00 Uhr zu einer gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz im Berliner Zeiss-Großplanetarium ein.


Robert Böhme, Gründer und Geschäftsführer der PTScientists GmbH und Pierre Godart, Geschäftsführer von ArianeGroup Deutschland werden im Beisein von Thomas Jarzombek, MdB (Koordinator der Bundesregierung für Luft- und Raumfahrt), Klaus-Peter Willsch, MdB (Vorsitzender der Parlamentsgruppe Luft- und Raumfahrt) und David Parker, ESA-Direktor für bemannte Raumfahrt und robotische Exploration, die Vereinbarung über die Zusammenarbeit beider Unternehmen unterzeichnen.


Das Memorandum of Understanding regelt die umfangreiche Zusammenarbeit beider Unternehmen für zukünftige europäische Mond-Missionen wie der geplanten ISRU-Mission der ESA und darüber hinaus.



Vorläufige Agenda


16:00   Begrüßungen,

Robert Böhme, PTScientists

Pierre Godart, ArianeGroup Deutschland


16:10   Grußworte

Thomas Jarzombek, MdB


16:20   Unterzeichnung Memorandum of Understanding


16:25   Sparking a lunar economy

Mari Eldholm, PTScientists


16:30   ESA’s perspective on commercial partnerships and ISRU

David Parker, ESA


16:35   Expert-Panel on ISRU and future Lunar missions

Joost Van Tooren, ArianeGroup

Jürgen Brandner, PTScientists


16:45   Q&A


17:00   Ende


Im Anschluss gibt es Gelegenheit für individuelle Interviews.

Die Begrüßungen und Grußworte werden in deutscher Sprache gehalten. Kurzvorträge und Experten-Panel finden in englischer Sprache statt.



Pressekonferenz ArianeGroup & PTScientists


Mittwoch, 8.5.2019, 16:00 Uhr (Einlass ab 15:30 Uhr)


Zeiss-Großplanetarium Berlin

Prenzlauer Allee 80

10405 Berlin





Bitte akkreditieren Sie sich bis Dienstag, 7.5. unter:

Bitte denken Sie daran, einen gültigen Lichtbild-Ausweis mitzubringen.


Wir übertragen die Pressekonferenz live im Internet unter

Stellen Sie ihre Fragen auch online via Twitter unter #PTSAG.



Andreas Schepers


Head of Communications

T: +49 30 916 048 06




Über PTScientists:

PTScientists ist ein Berliner Newspace-Unternehmen. Die von PTScientists entwickelte Mondlandefähre ALINA und zwei Mond-Rover, die Audi Lunar quattro,  sollen erstmals 2020 zum Mond starten. Für diese erste Mission, die “Mission to the Moon”, kooperiert PTScientists mit einer Reihe von Industrie-Partnern wie Audi und Vodafone sowie Raumfahrtorganisationen wie dem Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt DLR sowie der Europäischen Raumfahrtorganisation ESA. PTScientists beschäftigt derzeit mehr als 70 Mitarbeiter an den Standorten Berlin, Salzburg (AT) und Houston (USA).

“Mazel tov!” – PTScientists wish SpaceIL every success in launching its lunar mission! Thu, 21 Feb 2019 18:56:51 +0000


PTScientists wish their former competitors in the Google LunarX Prize good luck and success for the launch of their lunar lander “Beresheet”. The Israeli lander is due to launch piggyback tomorrow at 02:45 CET with other payloads aboard a Falcon 9 launch vehicle from SpaceX.


“We wish our colleagues at SpaceIL good luck and much success for the launch of ‘Beresheet’” said Robert Boehme, founder and CEO of PTScientists GmbH from Berlin. “The hopefully successful landing will prove that privately financed lunar missions are possible. SpaceIL thus opens the door for private missions to the Moon.”


On board the ‘Beresheet’ lander is a very special payload: a time capsule from the Arch Mission Foundation. This first instalment of the “Lunar Library” contains the English version of Wikipedia (approx. 7.5 million printed pages) as well as 25,000 books of the Gutenberg project – stored in a novel, extremely durable nanotechnology medium.


PTScientists are partner of the Arch Mission Foundation and have supported the production of this instalment of the Lunar Library.  On their first mission, they will also deliver a part of the “Lunar Library” to the Moon.


PTScientists are preparing their first lunar mission. It is expected to launch not earlier than the first quarter of 2020. The aim of the mission is to visit the landing site of the last astronautical mission to the Moon, Apollo 17, with two moon rovers.


Further information on the Arch Mission Foundation:



PTScientists media contact

Andreas Schepers
PTScientists GmbH
Head of Communications

T: +49 30 916 048 06

PTScientists to examine future ESA mission on in-situ resource utilisation on the Moon Mon, 21 Jan 2019 16:29:58 +0000


The European Space Agency ESA and ArianeGroup, as prime contractor of a consortium of Arianegroup, Space Application Services and PTScientists, have signed a contract to study and prepare ESA’s planned ISRU mission.


In space, in-situ resource use (ISRU) is the practice of collecting, processing, storing and using materials found or produced on other celestial bodies (Moon, Mars, asteroids, etc.) to replace materials that would otherwise be brought from Earth.


The ESA mission focuses on the use of the lunar regolith. Being able to extract water and oxygen from regolith is a prerequisite for a sustainable presence of humans on the Moon. In addition, the necessary fuel for future missions into deeper parts of the solar system could be produced in this way.


ArianeGroup and its subsidiary Arianespace, which will provide the Ariane 6 launch vehicle, the Berlin-based new space startup PTScientists, which will provide the lunar lander, and the Belgian company Space Applications Services, which will provide ground segment, communications and related services, have joined forces to conduct this study.


The innovative and wholly European consortium will be able to provide services for the entire mission, from launch to transport of the payloads required for the ESA mission to the Moon, landing on the Moon’s surface and communication back to Earth.


“We are very pleased with the confidence placed in us by the European Space Agency ESA. The award of the ISRU study to the strong consortium of ArianeGroup, SAS and PTScientists underlines the current shift in the space industry,” Robert Boehme, CEO and founder of PTScientists GmbH said.


The use of space resources could be a key to sustainable lunar exploration and this study is part of ESA’s comprehensive plan to make Europe a partner in global exploration in the next decade – a plan we will put to our Ministers for decision later this year at the Space19+ Conference,”  Dr. David Parker, Director of Human and Robotic Exploration at ESA added.



Media contact:

Andreas Schepers


Head of Communications

T: +49 30 916 048 06



About PTScientists

PTScientists is a new space startup that aims to be the first privately funded company to land on the Moon and to explore the Apollo 17 landing site. The company, founded in 2010, has a number of cooperation partners, in particular the key technology partners Audi and Vodafone, who are significantly involved in the mission, in particular the development of the Moon rovers and the data network on the Moon. PTScientists also cooperates with mission timekeeper Omega, mission gear partner On, the European Space Agency (ESA) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR).
